Thursday 25 October 2012

Hi Adu

I have got an idea, tell me  whether its good. Every week we will start a new post and we will discuss whatever happened in that week in the post. If it works well we also make it like a forum wherein we will ask our friends to join the discussion.  I will start a new post for this week,whenever u visit the blog u post ur opinion and i  will also do it whenever i hav time.Give me ur suggestion.


  1. That is a brilliant idea:) We can talk about everything football and if needed do a pod cast based on details we collect rather than calling one another and then thinking about what to say when we record....
    Why not? I mean we have to start somewhere and i guess a general discussion could be great....
    Wish i could fill this as an activity in my timesheet at office:P
    So do you want to start now or can i first read the AGM report....
    Btw adidas 23mil pound offer for arsenal, latest in news now

  2. Thanx machi for ur encouraging opening.
    Post whatever u read or u want to discuss in that new post which i hav started and we will discuss in that.....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Should there be an upper limit to the maximum investment per club in world football?

  5. Machi write the same comment in the next post,we will discuss it there

